OTO Leghorn Battlecruiser design for the Regia Marina, ’30.

Project from 1930-1935 for a possible transformation of the  Cavour and Doria classes or a new unit compliant with the international agreements.
26670 tons
length 215 m.
width 32 m.
speed 30 knots
9/381 12/152 12/100 32 AA, calibre unknown, 8 torpedo tubes, 533mm.
This model differs form a similar one, usually found in naval literature, mounting 6/381, possibly identified by Bob Henneman as Design 45367, falling in between the 1928 BC design for the RM and the 1933 8 x 13.5in BC design

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7 thoughts on “OTO Leghorn Battlecruiser design for the Regia Marina, ’30.

  1. That’s a great looking ship! Would you happen to have references as to where I can read more about that battlecruiser design, the design 45367 battlecruiser and the 1928 and 1933 battlecruiser designs? I’m very interested in Italian battlecruiser designs

  2. Of course, there are the official Italian Navy book on capital ships, and the last effort on the Littorio class:

    but the BC topic is a side topic.

  3. Thanks! I’m not fluent in Italian and can’t really afford a 200e book either, but I’ll see what I can figure out. I’m trying to gather as much information as I can on the 1933 BC design (at least as many specs and diagrams as possible) because I want to try and see how it could be implemented into World of Warships.

  4. Do you actually know of a battlecruiser design for the Regia Marina which was going to use four of the triple turrets being taken out of the Caio Duilio class for reconstruction?

    I’ve found drawings like this for it:

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